In an alarming turn of events, it appears that prominent music artist, Doja Cat, and her mother, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, have been living in an unsafe environment, reportedly plagued with domestic violence. New legal documents obtained by TMZ Hip Hop shed light on an alleged volatile situation that necessitated Doja's mother to seek a temporary restraining order against her 30-year-old son, Raman Dalithando Dlamini. According to these legal filings, the scope of protection that Deborah sought from the court extended to Doja Cat. This protective plea was necessitated by a shocking allegation – Raman, the older brother of Doja Cat, was responsible for physically hurting her to the extent of knocking out her teeth. The shocking revelations did not end there. In the documents, Deborah also stated that Doja Cat had suffered bruises and cuts inflicted by Raman, who allegedly had also destroyed and stolen some of Doja's property. Beyond the physical torment, Deborah alleged that ...
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