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Doja Cat's Brother Accused of Abuse By Mother

Doja Cat and brother Raman Dlamini

In an alarming turn of events, it appears that prominent music artist, Doja Cat, and her mother, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, have been living in an unsafe environment, reportedly plagued with domestic violence. 

New legal documents obtained by TMZ Hip Hop shed light on an alleged volatile situation that necessitated Doja's mother to seek a temporary restraining order against her 30-year-old son, Raman Dalithando Dlamini.

According to these legal filings, the scope of protection that Deborah sought from the court extended to Doja Cat. 

This protective plea was necessitated by a shocking allegation – Raman, the older brother of Doja Cat, was responsible for physically hurting her to the extent of knocking out her teeth.

The shocking revelations did not end there. In the documents, Deborah also stated that Doja Cat had suffered bruises and cuts inflicted by Raman, who allegedly had also destroyed and stolen some of Doja's property.

Beyond the physical torment, Deborah alleged that Raman verbally assaulted Doja in a demeaning manner that made her feel unsafe and traumatized.

However, the grim scenario painted by the legal filings was not restricted to Doja. Deborah also made allegations against Raman on her own behalf. 

She claimed that she had endured physical abuse at his hands, and had faced numerous threats over the past year. The most recent of these unsettling episodes allegedly happened only earlier this month.
Doja Cat and mother Deborah Sawyer

Picture: Deborah Sawyer and daughter Amala Dlamini

As per the latest updates, the court has responded favorably to Deborah’s request and has granted her a temporary restraining order against Raman.

This arrangement is meant to safeguard her until a hearing for a permanent restraining order takes place. Unfortunately, the court did not extend the same level of protection to Doja Cat. 

According to the judge, the artist must file a separate request to secure a restraining order for herself.

This, apparently, is not the first time that the family has been in such a distressing situation. Deborah noted that she had obtained a restraining order against her son in the past, but that protective arrangement had expired.

Meanwhile, Raman’s troubling behavior is not an isolated incident involving just his family. An exclusive report from Just The Sugar can reveal that he had faced legal action for something similar previously. 

Plaintiff Frankie Lane accused Raman of physical aggression when Frankie and his wife were guests at Raman's residence in 2020. 

According to documents, Doja Cat's brother stabbed him with a sharp piece from a broken ceramic plate that he'd smashed on his head.

“On or about October 6,2020, Plaintiff and his wife were guests at the Defendants' premises. On said date, Plaintiff entered the kitchen of the subject premises and encountered Defendant RAMAN DLAMINI being verbally abusive towards Plaintiffs wife. 

Defendant RAMAN DLAMINI began to yell at Plaintiff and demanded that he and his wife move out of the subject premises. As Plaintiff attempted to speak with Defendant RAMAN DLAMINI and reach a resolution, Defendant RAMAN DLAMINI became enraged and grabbed a ceramic planter and/or similar object.

Defendant RAMAN DLAMINI broke the ceramic planter and/or similar object on Plaintiffs head and stabbed Plaintiff with a jagged piece with such force that Plaintiff suffered injuries and damages."

That case, however, was ultimately dismissed.

This distressing news highlights the private turmoil Doja Cat and her mother have allegedly been facing for years. 

While Doja's art continues to enthral millions worldwide, these reports give her fans a sobering insight into her personal life, and remind them of the pain and fear hidden behind the glitter of stardom. 

Abuse of any form is condemnable, and Just The Sugar sincerely hopes that justice is served to protect Doja Cat and Deborah from further harm.
